Mindset Mastery MasterClass
Good Leadership starts with good foundation in Self-Leadership
Good Self Leadership starts with good self-awareness.
Self awareness is about the capacity to view self, other people, situations and challenges from a range of different perspectives. The capacity to do this well will help leaders and managers engage well with others, motivate people, manage conflict or issues well and make good decisions.
This unique program helps participants uncover disempowering mindsets, identify personal triggers and learn to shift their mindsets so as to maximize personal leadership effectiveness.
Learning Objectives
- Recognize self awareness as the foundation for effective leadership
- Gain insights into how our minds works
- Discover disempowering frames of mind
- Identify personal triggers that result in ineffective leadership
- Apply a personal change model & strategies to shift mindsets and behaviors
- Develop a personal action plan to strengthen personal mindset mastery
- Leadership & Self Awareness
- Leadership & self-awareness
- Model of self-awareness
- How to gain good self-awareness
- Understand How the Mind Works
- Models of the mind
- Thinking-Feeling-Doing
- Disempowering frames of mind
- Different disempowering frames of mind
- Identifying and mapping personal triggers
- Mindfulness
- Experience of mindfulness
- Strategies to be more mindful
- Empowering Changes
- Personal change model
- Personal change strategies & actions
- Strategies and Tools for Change
- RBE Strategies for Change
- Develop new habits
- Tapping into our Assets to plan for future encounters
- Personal Action Planning
- Reflection, integration and synthesis of insights
- Developing personal action plan
- Presentation
- Small and Large Group Discussion
- Reflection
- Experiential activities
- Peer sharing
The workshop will utilize active learning strategies which incorporate videos, activities, self-assessments, individual reflection, small and large group interactions
Who should attend
Supervisors, Managers, Dept Heads, Organizational Leaders as well as young professionals or graduates who would like to gain good self awareness and personal change strategies to achieve greater leadership effectiveness.
Contact us at thinke001@gmail.com for further inquiries