“In this world, nothing can be said to be certain except death and taxes”
– Benjamin Franklin
Unfortunately, Benjamin Franklin was mistaken because besides death & taxes, change is the other certainty that we can expect in life.
With the proliferation of technology, the virus pandemic and increasing disruption, organizations need to be adaptable and change ready. We may be impacted by a change that is imposed upon us or we may need to lead and manage changes at work, at home or in the community. It is important to understand the dynamics of change and how we can lead and manage change effectively.
This masterclass will equip you with the knowledge, actionable strategies and tools to lead and manage change effectively
- Understand the drivers for change
- Gain awareness of personal change comfort
- Equip you to cope with change as a leader and support others through change
- Enable you to support change initiatives through a selection of change tools
- Improve your engagement skills to support others during change effectively
- Develop a personal action plan to lead & manage change/transitions
1. Drivers of Change
- What is driving change in the organization
- How important is it?
- What will change the most?
2. Navigating Change on a personal level
- Change comfort
- Change transitions
- Change curve
3. Change Management
- Change Process Model
4. Change engagement skills
- Communication styles
- Best practices
5. Summary, Reflection, Action planning
- Reflection, integration and synthesis of insights
- Assignment of change buddy (as appropriate)
- Develop personal action plan
- Presentation
- Role Play Exercises
- Case scenarios
- Peer discussion
The workshop will utilize active learning strategies which incorporate videos, activities, individual reflection, small and large group interactions
Who should attend
Team Leaders, People Managers, Division or Department Heads, Project Managers, HR Managers and anyone who needs to lead or manage changes.